Monday, September 15, 2008

A Race For life

"We are late for school again!",i said to my sister as she always wakes up late.
If we are late today Mr ang will punish us,get ready soon.I looked at the time,my eyeballs almost popped out of their sockets.It was 7.30 and the school is going to start at 7.45.Me and my sister took our bags and stormed out of the house.

We caught a taxi from below our block.As I entered the taxi, i saw the taxi driver's expressionless face,he also had a scar on his forehead ."I have seen him somewhere,but where?",i asked myself.As i browsed through my memory. I gave up when i could not find it, i pushed that thought out of my mind.The taxi driver asked me where i wanted to go,i told him my destination."Please be fast,we are already late for school."I will be fast the taxi driver said it looked like he had just moaned.Very fast."Did you say something?",i asked ."No",he replied.

I took out my project to check if it was done properly.Then something caught the attention of my eye.There was a photo of that taxi driver.(This guy has been kidnapping children but the police could not catch him. Please beware that this guy was a patient in a mental hospital for almost 2 years,he escaped from there.If you see him please inform the police do not approach him ,he is very dangerous.)When i looked up we were on a lonely road."Where are you taking us?",i asked with sweat triking down my face Many bad thoughts flashed through my mind."Stop the car",i said a bit scared.The taxi driver broke into a laughter,a mad laughter.He stopped the car and got out.He took out a big knife.My sister was listening to her mp3 .When she saw the driver with the knife her mouth opened wide. Luckily i had learned a bit of driving,i started the car and pushed the accelerates all the way down. The driver's eyes widened when he saw me driving the car.He jumped out of the way.

After the driver was out of site,i scanned the area.My sister was parallelized with fear."boom" something hit hard on the taxi .My head hit hard on the steering wheel.Fresh blood started flowing down my face. I looked back and saw another car.Wasn't that mad man enough that he bought a car.I felt excited and scared at the same time.I used the map on the map indicator in the taxi.But lady luck was not on my side,it showed out of reach.Then i saw a car.A ray of hope.I accelerated to the car, luckily the mad driver far from in view.I pleaded the guy to help us he called the police.The Police reached there in a matter of minutes.The police caught the mad guy.The police thanked us and sent us back home. Our mother Was very worried but when she saw us she was very happy .The police gave us a medal for helping them catch the mad man.

opened wide when he saw me driving the car

A Good Deed

"Mummy,i want to buy that doll",Betty said to her mother."First let me buy my groceries".
"I am out side the shop" Betty said.Betty went out side and stood there then she saw a man wearing a long pant,shirt and a long court.Betty was feeling very hot."How can a guy wear so many cloths in such a hot weather?"That guy was also wearing black glasses and had a stick in his hand.
He banged into a woman and fell down. When the woman was trying to help him get up he put his hand in the woman purse and took out her wallet.Betty saw it but didn't say anything.She went in the shop and told her mother what she saw.Her mother told her that you should never steal or let others steal.Betty showed her mother the guy ,he was still there.Betty's mother called the police and the thief was arrested.The woman thanked Betty and her mother.Betty and her mother was given a medal.
Always do good things.