Monday, September 15, 2008

A Good Deed

"Mummy,i want to buy that doll",Betty said to her mother."First let me buy my groceries".
"I am out side the shop" Betty said.Betty went out side and stood there then she saw a man wearing a long pant,shirt and a long court.Betty was feeling very hot."How can a guy wear so many cloths in such a hot weather?"That guy was also wearing black glasses and had a stick in his hand.
He banged into a woman and fell down. When the woman was trying to help him get up he put his hand in the woman purse and took out her wallet.Betty saw it but didn't say anything.She went in the shop and told her mother what she saw.Her mother told her that you should never steal or let others steal.Betty showed her mother the guy ,he was still there.Betty's mother called the police and the thief was arrested.The woman thanked Betty and her mother.Betty and her mother was given a medal.
Always do good things.

1 comment:

tsooc said...

Dear Mayank,

A credible story. Could be better if you put in more complications.

Take note of the following:
- A purse is not a bag. It is a wallet for a lady.

- Would the thief stand there and wait for the police to arrive? Wouldn't he try to run? What did you do in the meantime to delay him?