Friday, June 19, 2009

H1n1 flu

Singapore has confirmed 26 new cases of H1N1 including three who appear to have acquired their infections in Singapore. 22 cases involve travellers returning from other countries. The other case is a close contact of an earlier confirmed case. The new cases bring the total number of infected people in Singapore to 103. The Ministry of Health (MOH) says the three unlinked cases have no travel history and are not known to have contacted with confirmed cases.
H1n1 flu is by far the worst flu humans have encountered.Scientist are working day and night for a cure for the H1n1 flu.(Thats what i hope)Now the flu has reached Singapore. Singapore had been trying its best to keep the H1n1 flu at bay but the flu got through. At first only people who had gone overseas had gotten the flu, but now even locals have gotten the flu.If this continues, soon there will cases of H1n1 flu flooding the hospitals. As we all know, the flu is tranmitable from human to human.The goverment is trying its best to not let the flu get out of control and i think that they are doing the right thing as by doing so they are protecting us from the flu . But even as i type now , there might be people dying all over the world.I have heard that the desiease can become resistant to any anti-biotic after a while. This may be a very big of a challenge for the sceintists.I think that if they want to kill the flu once and for all, they must entirely vanish it at once . As it may trasnmit again.If they can gather everybody in the world and give them the anti-biotic(When they find one)and i think that when the flu has been vanished totally it cant start all over again.In other words it cant multiply and transmite again.But i know that i may not be correct. This can affect the whole world as , if farmers get that disease , we wont be able to get food and more worse there will be more deaths.When this happen Singapore will also be affected just like the rest of the world.The least we can do to help is to be cautious about what we do and of course stay clean.

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