Saturday, June 6, 2009

News Article


A fire broke out in a day care centre while the childrens were having a nap. At least 31 childrens were killed and 30 among them were badly burnt. The childrens were only aged from 6 months old to 5 years old. Parents never had thought that they would never see their childrens alive again. There were 20 employees at the day care centre. At seeing the height of the blaze, residents near the day care centre rushed to help.Residents even tried to smash the cement walls of the centre using cars and vans to save the childrens inside.

Graves were dug for the childrens killed at the day care centre. Investigation shows that the fire MAY have started in a warehouse beside the day care centre. When told that the fire had started in his warehouse,the owner denied the information.
I think that if the fire had started in the warehouse and the owner knows it , he should tell the police or anybody. As by doing so , the people can prevent this by happening again by taking this as a lesson and being more careful and improving on their safety measures. Making the world a safer place.This may have been a bad thing to happen but it brought out the hero in the residents around the day care centre.
I may not know how it feels to be burned alive but i sure do know that it is very painful.

1 comment:

STZ said...

Hey mayank,

This is a nice article to give opinions on but the summary does not show whether the fire had really started in the warehouse. If it had, why did the owner try to deny that?